In the preface to the Marske Parish register, the Curate wrote the following: “In the year 1738 when I first came to Marske as Curate, the Estates of Clints & Orgate then belonging Charles Bathurst, Esq. And now belonging Miles Stapleton Esq. Payd yearly at midsummer the sum of ______ and which payment continued mostly til the year 1769 when it was advanced to the sum of L5:19:2 Hay M_____ and that payment continues sometimes by a written sometimes by a verbal agreement till a new and written one took place January 1st 1789 and to continue for the space of 5 years. In this agreement is included the Great and small Tithes, all Mr. Stapleton’s estates of Clints and Orgate, also all the farms in the Lordship or Manor of Skelton lately purchased of John B_____? by the said Miles Stapleton, Esq. Except what in that agreement is excepted viz ___ Lead and Copper ore pigs, geese, hinds, __ He the said Mr. Stapleton paying or causing to be payd the yearly sum of L30 on the 29th day of September.”