23 July, 16 Hen. VI (1438)., Alianora widow of Thomas de Cleseby (Lord of Marske), grants seizin (legal possession of a feudal fiefdom or fee, that is to say an estate in land) to Ralph Pudsay, Esq., of Colynhall and Orgate. I understand this to mean Ralph Pudsay, Esq. was given legal possession of Colynhall (haven’t found anything about this place yet) and Orgate by Alianora. It’s not clear why.
This Ralph Pudsay/Pudsey, must be the one who later became ‘Sir’ Ralph Pudsay’, heir of the manors of Barforth (near Forcett) & the manor of Bolton by Bowland (about 15 miles west of Skipton, Yorkshire). Barforth Hall, owned by the Pudsey family from the time of Edward III until 1659, is only 16 miles northeast from Orgate.
Ralph Pudsay, Esq.